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How it started...

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

Why I started making all natural skincare products...

Hi everyone and thanks for stopping by! I I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and explain why I decided to start making my own all natural skincare products. For those of you that don't know me, my name is Debbie Gazaleh. I am from Jacksonville, Florida. I live with my very supportive husband and our five fur babies. I have been plant based for about 13 years, which basically means I don't eat animals. That being said, I never knew that so many companies were using animals not only to test their products, but they're using their byproducts in their skincare line! I encourage you all to read the labels on your products and look up the ingredients! It's amazing what these companies are getting away with, and as the consumer, we are letting them. Unfortunately, we just don't know any better or maybe we like to be ignorant to what is truly happening. For the record, I have learned not to judge others, but I do my part by trying to educate everyone I possibly can.

In the last 15 years, I have become passionate about learning how in heal the body naturally with proper diet, exercise and using plants as medicine. My husband is a pharmacist, so I do understand that there is an importance for modern medicine. However, one day out of nowhere, a good friend of mine pointed out the word "fragrance" to me! It changed my world, but in the best way possible! According to, "The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) lists 3,059 materials that are reported as being used in fragrance compounds. Of these 3,059 ingredients, some have evidence linking them to health effects including cancer, reproductive toxicity, allergies and sensitivities." Fragrance is put into most cosmetics and over the counter products. We have grown to love these products because we put our trust in these companies thinking they have our best interest at heart. Obviously they don't. This is not okay, nor will it ever be.

Naturally, I started to research how these beautiful plants that were healing my body, could also heal my skin. All of us want to age more gracefully. So, I started to make my own plant extracts, adding them to my toners and serums, and Roots and Posies was born! I chose that name because I only use all natural ingredients. I utilize everything from the roots, like Comfrey root, to the posies, or flowers, like calendula and elderflower that are all in my Daily Facial Oil. I turned an extra room of our home into a lab and started creating my own skincare products for my friends and family. Then, I started to go to local markets and that was where I was able to educate so many of you on how to take care of your skin. Not only how to take care of your skin, but what makes my products different than anything else. I truly think it's one of the most important parts of my business. I really enjoy meeting all of my customers and having them become part of the Roots and Posies family. So, thank you to all of you that have become part of my family! I would not be here without each and every one of you! And to those of you that are new, I welcome you and hope to meet you some day as well. Don't forget to subscribe to stay up to date on all of our new products, sales and exciting news. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well!

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